About me

As a child I used to love playing mom, dad and children. I loved Disney princesses and the fairytales’ “And they lived happily ever after.”

I still love that. But as I passed 30, I started wondering, when this fairytale of mine would start. That knight in shining armour must have had a flat tire along the way or something.

Worse was it to hear family and friends say; “isn’t it about time to settle down and have children? Time is ticking, you know.” But how could I do that, when the man hadn’t shown up yet.

But I was only 32. There was still time.

I dated some guys, whom I grew fond of and my dream of becoming a mother flourished every time. But it never happened. Back in the saddle again. I was only 33.

I lost my grandmother shortly after I turned 34. She was a huge rock in my life. I was so sad that I never got to surprise her with a pregnancy. And suddenly I thought what if the same thing happened with my parents?

I decided to have my fertility checked out. The news I got from my doctor was if I knew I wanted to have children… then I had to start now.

NOW? I was only 34.

I started fertility treatment and it took me three years of IUI, IVF, ICSI, hormones, etc before I finally held a positive pregnancy test in my hand.

It was three years filled with louts of thoughts, pain, hope and expectations. Three years of disappointments, which also led to thoughts like: “what if it never happens?” “Why do I have to go through this alone?” “Why couldn’t I find a man to do this with?” “What’s wrong with me?”

In 2017 I started my education as a life coach as a way of requiring tools to help me change my mindset. Within a month after I finished my education, I was pregnant. With no doubt in my mind that these tools had helped my body be at peace.

Alvin was born in September 2018 and his arrival meant I could finally take on the most prestigious title in the world (at least according to me): I was a MOM!

I started getting a lot of messages and questions from friends and acquaintances, who were thinking of becoming Solomoms themselves. That kickstarted my education to become a Solomom consultant, which I finished in 2019.

Alvin is the love of my life. And if I can support just one woman in giving her the same feeling, then that is all worth it for me. Alvin and I currently live in a nice apartment in Copenhagen, Denmark with out two cats; Alma and Elliot.